Photo of the Dane County Office of Energy and Climate 2020 Change Climate Action Plan

Client: Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change

Objectives: create a brand and a social media presence for the newly established Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change; organize, edit, and design the County’s first climate action plan.

Solutions: In order to engage a broad audience throughout Dane County, we created a brand that represents the diversity of landscapes in the County. A strongly horizontal version of the logo graphic was developed for use as a unifying element across various media.

Social media graphics incorporate the elements and colors of the brand and present information in bite-sized chunks with links to more information. designCraft creates detailed monthly social media plans that correlate with events and announcements, and provides performance reports.

The climate action plan is a 200-page document that serves as a resource guide for County communities, individuals, farms, businesses, and organizations. To reach such a wide audience, designCraft made use of appealing photos, and created color blocks and section heads to separate topics. Tables and graphics were simplified, and presented in the same approachable colors. A larger font size and captioned graphics enhance accessibility.

Project types:
Social media